Fight Evil. Buy Plants. & Plant One on Me

These designs were illustrated and hand lettered for a plant shop who needed designs for t-shirts and other merchandise. The client provided the phrases and a general idea of what she had in mind.

In the composition for ‘Fight Evil Buy Plants’, the plants are breaking through the inner circle and intersecting the text to make a clear direction of readability and provide some life and depth to the plants; as if they’re thriving so much they’re bursting out of their confinement. I suggested to keep the color palette to two shades of green to cut down on printing costs while still allowing a great deal of detail. A simple, legible spurred serif capital was drawn to balance out the complexity of the illustration.

‘Plant One On Me' is a simpler more playful design. She wanted something that referenced lettering from vintage baseball jerseys. I used monoline lettering to provide a sense of modernity and outlined the shape of the monstera leaf to reinforce the heart-shape of the leaf and it’s connection to the text.

